Over the years we have acquired a mass of books and DVD's on properties
which we are more than happy to loan out provided we cover our
costs of postage and packaging. If you are interested in
borrowing from our library please just contact us.
- Architectural and Building Design
- Brick Building in Britain
- Building Conservation Contract and Grant Aid
- Building Construction Illustrated
- Buildings of Britain
- Buying and Renovating Properties for Profit
- Conservation of the Built Environment
- English Architecture at a Glance
- Estate Management in Practice
- Extending Your House
- Glass for Beautiful Homes
- How to Buy a Business
- Investigating Old Buildings
- Land Law
- Landlord and Tenant
- Lighting for Beautiful Homes
- Master Builder
- Pattern of English Building - House and Home
- The Doomsday Book (copy)
- The Elements of Style
- The Story of Architecture
- Tiles for Beautiful Homes
- Tracing the History of Your House
- Valuation - Principles into Practice
- Architecture of Cyprus, Budapest and Spain (Barcelona)
- Gaudi
- Hadrians Wall
- The Industrial Age
Free phone 0800 298 5424