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What's the difference betweena Chartered Building Surveyor,Chartered Surveyorandan Independent Surveyor
We recommend that everyone buying a property reads our Beautiful Naïve Thoughts article. This was written a few decades ago when we first started to understand the complicated game that is buying a house. In fact we would also add the word monopoly in some cases, particularly where the Estate Agents are owned by Banks, Building Societies or Mortgage Lenders as are the Surveyors and Solicitors. This is why we would always recommend having an Independent Surveyor carry out your survey. We only use Independent Surveyors who are members of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and the Independent Surveyors and Valuers Association (ISVA). To find out more please read the following surveying articles or speak to a surveyor on Freephone 0800 298 5424.
Buying Off-Market vs Buying at Auction
Sorting out Property Problems with Solicitors and Surveyors
What do Chartered Surveyors do?
What does a Chartered Surveyor do on a Structural Survey?
Where can I find a Chartered Surveyor?