Information about Commercial Schedules of Dilapidations
We market the services of independent Surveyors. Surveyors pride themselves on a high standard of work. We can offer Schedules of Condition with regard to leases , Property Reports, Schedules of Dilapidations, Section 18 Valuations, Scott Schedules, Commercial Building Surveys, Structural Reports, Specific Defects Reports. Note these are not for bank lending but are to advise you how much we feel the property is really worth. If you have a property problem we may even already have written an article on it and we would refer you to the many articles we have on our home page use independent surveyors who are more than happy to chat. Please Free phone us on 0800 298 5424 and surveyor will call you back.
Free phone 0800 298 5424
We have produced a number of articles regarding Schedules of Dilapidations on Commercial Properties.
Click on the relevant link below to find out more about dilapidations and to view some examples of the Commercial Surveys, Schedules of Condition and Schedules of Dilapidations that we produce for our clients.
We have also produced a number of book reviews on Dilapidation publications which may be of interest to you.
A-Z of Dilapidations
Dilapidations for Tenants, Leaseholders and Business Owners including examples of Commercial Building Surveys and Schedules of Conditions
Dilapidations in a Nutshell for Tenants, Leaseholders and Business Owners
Dilapidations for Landlords and Investors including an example of a Scotts Schedule
Dilaps Claim by a Landlord
Landlord's View on a New Business Taking on a Lease
What the Landlord wants in a Tenant
Landlords What do they Look For in an Investment Property?
Landlords, What can we do for You?
Landlords What do they Look for in Industrial Properties?
Landlords, can you have too good a retail tenant?
Landlords, can you have too good an industrial tenant?
Negotiating With a Landlord
Dilapidations - Scott's Schedule Example
Dilapidations - Disagreement on the Repairs Needed
Dilapidations for Surveyors
Dilapidations Quiz - for Trainee Surveyors or Qualified Surveyors
Schedules of Condition
Schedules of Condition What should I Expect?
Experienced Businesspeople Understand the importance of a Schedule of Condition being appended to a Lease
Dilapidations Claim and No Schedule- Dealing with a dilaps claim where a Schedule of Condition was not originally prepared
Dilapidations are Inevitable
Do not let the end of your Lease end your Business
Dilapidations - Two for the Price of One
Dilapidations Help! From - What we can do for you
Dealing with a Dilapidations Claim
Dilapidations Break Clauses
Break Clauses - Are they Worth it?
Dilapidations The Negotiation
Dilapidations Section 18 Valuation
Interim Dilapidations
Terminal Dilapidations
Dilapidations and Poker
How to Read a Dilaps Schedule
My First Lease What should I do?
Your Lease in Plain English
Retail Leases or Licences
Negotiating FRI Lease Clauses
Lease Negotiations with your Landlord
The Lazy Solicitor and the Lease
How do Civil Procedure Laws Affect Dilapidations?
RICS Guidance Notes On Dilapidations
Why Advanced Rent?
Beware of the Late Served Schedule of Dilapidations by the Landlord, it could be very costly
Dilapidations and Accountants and Your Accounts
Dilapidations Negotiations (Landlord or Landlords Surveyor not Acting Fairly)
Few Thoughts from Vivian King on RICS Guidance Note and Dilapidations
Reading your Village, Town and City
Dilaps Help Course Book comments by Vivien King
Understanding or being able to read how a village, town and city has developed is very important when looking for opportunities, assessing development potential, carrying out a dilapidations schedule, a schedule of condition or a pre-purchase building survey.
Dilapidations Book
and Article Reviews
If you need help and advise with regard to leases, dilapidations, schedules of condition, dilaps claims, scotts schedules or any other matters please call 0800 298 5424 for a friendly chat. Please note we are independent surveyors.
If you would like Dilaps Help then please visit our website and for Disputes go to our Disputes Help site .
We hope you find the articles of use and if you have any experiences that you feel should be added to the articles that would benefit others, or you feel that some of the information that we have put is wrong then please do not hesitate to contact us (we are only human).
The content of the web site is for general information only and is not intended to be relied upon for specific or general decisions. Appropriate independent proffesional advice should be paid for before making such a decision.
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