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Moving to a Tudor propertyA clients review and how we can help
Is the property from the Tudor era or not?Independent Building SurveyorsWe can help you if you are in the process of purchasing or selling a property whether it is a Tudor property or modern building can provide help and advice with regard to pre-sale building surveys, structural surveys, home buyers reports, independent valuations, property surveys, engineers reports, structural reports, specific defects report or any other property matters. Free phone 0800 298 5424Why have an independent building survey?We always recommend having an independent building survey as this will highlight any property problems. Caveat emptor means buyer beware and is why you need to have a building survey to find out if there are any problems within the property; the estate agent certainly will not advise you of any. Remember the building Surveyor that you employ will be the only person working for you with your interests at heart. What do the circles and ovals mean in our building surveys?
Many photographs and surveying sketches
Older properties are not always what they seemThe delightful property although looking as if it was built in the Tudor era had been considerably refurbished in the 1970s.
Estate Agents present at property viewingsThe Estate Agent met us at the property which always tends to happen when the sales market is not very strong for example during the winter months or downturn in the housing market. We do tend to find that we then get chaperoned around the property by the Estate Agent and get shown what the Estate Agent wants us to see rather than any property issues. If we were not experienced at carrying out structural building surveys this could be an issue. Eventually the Estate Agent settled down to read their book and we could start to carry out our structural building survey.
Tudor style beams give a property character
Older properties are not always the warmestThe other matter we drew to our client's attention is that Tudor properties look very pretty and picturesque but may not be that warm to live in with single glazed windows and rooms formed partly in the roof. Modern day heating requirements have changed considerably since the time the property was first built and with the alterations and amendments to the building these had different levels of insulation present thereby some rooms would retain heat more than others. When buying a property we always recommend living in it for a year whereby you can experience firsthand the change in the weather in the seasons and how much heat is required to bring the property to the level of warmth required.
Single panelled radiators and internal radiators
Search for an older style house and home When moving at anytime in your life you will need to decide on the essential and desirable criteria of your new property. When the couple moved recently their criteria was as follows:
Essential property criteria1. An older style property preferably from the Tudor era. 2. Two double size bedrooms. 3. A property in a location near to where they currently live. 4. A separate reception area and dining area.
Desirable property criteria1. Feature beams. 2. Modern bathroom. 3. Garden.
Other surveying articles that may be of interestThe following articles may be of interest to you, but don't forget that we have written articles on many different areas of property: Why have a residential survey? Structural survey, what does a Chartered Surveyor do? Traditional Tudor timber frame properties and their common problems
Independent Surveyor structural surveyThe independent Surveyor at 1st was delighted to help with a full structural survey on the shortlisted property whereby the property in its entirety is scrutinised for any structural issues.
Our building survey is essentialAn Independent Building Surveyor is completely impartial and does not work for banks, building societies, or any form of mortgage lender. A building survey that we carry out means that any problems or issues with the property will be found and the sellers can either decide to rectify some or all of these issues before the sale of the property or adjust the sale price accordingly.
We recommend to always meet your Surveyor at the property
Brickwork issuesWe frequently come across issues with older properties and their brickwork which has over the years been incorrectly re-pointed using cement based mortar rather than a lime based mortar. This older style property had this property issue which we explained in our structural survey using our description, photographs and survey sketch to fully describe the issue.
Lime Every Time – a bit more information
Spalling to brickworkAnother issue we came across is spalling to brickwork which can occur when cement mortar has been incorrectly used and the rainwater is no longer being absorbed by the mortar joints and runs over the face of the brick causing spalling.
Purchase agreed
Independent Building SurveyorsWe are experienced, professional independent building Surveyors who are knowledgeable in carrying out structural surveys on all types, styles and eras of buildings. If you are looking to buy or sell a bungalow or house or flat it makes sense to have a structural survey carried out by an Independent Surveyor. Phone us for a friendly chat on 0800 298 5424.
Compare our website and compare our structural surveysPlease feel free to have a look at our website to see for yourself the quality of our website, articles and our Building Survey reports. We pride ourselves on our professional standard and easy to read reports which we have been carrying out for many years on every age, type and style of property across the UK .
We can email you examples of our building surveysIf you are thinking of buying a property and are interested in having a Structural Survey carried out or if you are trying to sell a property and would like a Pre-Sales Survey please call us on free phone us for a friendly chat on 0800 298 5424. We would be happy to email you several examples of our tailor made reports.
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